About Us
What’sCommon, born by inspiration and driven by heart and passion to connect/reconnect people with what’s common between each other to interact in ways that where NEVER possible, until now!
“Hello”! My name is Scott McCuskey, and I am the inventor of this amazing PATENTED one-of-a-kind application created by the company APPigators Inc and its amazing Diverse Team of Creative Designers, Focused Developers, Intelligent and Determined, Goal Driven, Hardworking Individuals with one common goal and that’s to connect you to who you’re looking for in ways never possible before right now!
How does it work? After entering a few keywords, our patented algorithm will go to work and match people based on what's common between them reuniting and connecting friends, acquaintances, that special someone, pets, left behind items, gamers, vehicle drivers and so much more.
What’sCommon hopes to encourage and help facilitate your interaction utilizing the 5W’s -Who, What, When, Where and Why. With our predefined “Life Events” and “Keywords” Search connecting people with things that they have lost touch with or want to get in touch with is a click away. What’sCommon will make your connection all without even having to remember names or the normal things that are required with today’s platforms.
Who are you looking for? Welcome to What’sCommon!!! “Everyone is looking for